Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food Inc-- the Movie

Here's a tip on a movie I can recommend to everyone: Food, Inc. It will definitely change the way you look at food and the American food industry. I'm certain that you will be shocked by the information they provide on the way the majority of our food supply is processed and handled.

Though I have always kept to a relatively healthy diet, this movie prompted me to really work harder at eating fresh organic foods, and making restaurant choices that support that desire. One point made in the movie is that every time you purchase food at a grocery store or restaurant, you are voting for the kind of food you want. And, that the food industry responds to the choices that we, as consumers, make. Choosing fresh, toxin-free food is definitely a good choice for health and for a healthier environment, and if you consider the cost of illness and poor health, it is worth the price.

The official site has a number of options on getting involved in issues like supporting healthier food for school lunch, supporting nutrition and food-source labeling, and increasing education on nutrition and health, pesticides, environmental impact, and food shortages. Please take a look.

Byron Russell